When the journey gets tough there are a few things that we can do. No, quitting is not an option....it's for the weak, and we as believers are strong through our Father! There are times when we know that the struggle is almost over, but it still seems to get heavier. That's when we do as the mother who is about to give birth does...PUSH---Pray and/or Praise Until Something Happens. Isaiah 66:8 tells us that when Zion travailed, she brought forth. In times when we have no idea when the struggle will end, that is the perfect opportunity for us to not trust in ourselves, but allow the Almighty to be in contol of our lives. Whether the end is near or far, we must trust the Father, Who will always cause us to triumph and bring forth good fruit and purpose.
Be blessed!!!
Additional Reference: 2 Corinthians 1:3-11
Written: April 13, 2012