Monday, November 28, 2011

Just A Touch

Before I begin this blog, I would must start out a prayer!  Lord, I thank You for this word that You gave me about four years ago.  I pray that You forgive me for not posting it and another that You released to me sooner.  There may have been eyes that were supposed to read this, but may not be able to because I tarried.  For that Lord, I sincerely apologize and pray for Your forgiveness! I thank You Father that this Word is still fresh in my mind and I thank You that I am finally delivering it! I pray that it will still reach and touch whomever it is designed for! I trust You Lord and thank You for using me!  In Jesus' name I pray...Amen!!!

The Word that I wish to share with you who are reading this comes from Mark 5:21-43 and can also be found in Matthew 9:18-26 and Luke 8:40-56.  I was particularly drawn closer to Mark's account of this occurrence maybe because it seems more descriptive and it also allowed for me to create a perfect image in my mind.  In this passage of scripture, Jesus had just entered into Capernaum and as many times before, He was met by a multitude, which thronged Him heavily.  Jesus was approached by a church leader, Jairus who rushed to Jesus, fell at His feet and asked Him to come with Him to lay hands on his daughter who was at the point of death. Jairus knew of Jesus and His power to heal.  On the way to the home of Jairus, there was a woman in the crowd who had what is called an issue of blood or a certain flow of blood.  She had visited many doctors and spent all of her money and resources to become well, and unfortunately nothing happened because the flow/issue continued.  After exhausting all resources, her last hope was to get to Jesus to be healed.  Her faith and belief that an experience with Jesus would heal her led her to touch the hem of his garment and when she did, she was healed immediately.  Jesus stopped to turn around and find out who in the crowd touched Him because He felt power leave Him knowing that someone was bold enough to reach out for Him and had gone to an extreme measure to be healed and receive a blessing.  In her fear and trembling, the woman confessed that she touched Him, and Jesus told her that her faith had made her well and to go in peace and be healed of her affliction.  While He was speaking life back into the woman, He was interrupted by someone from the house of Jairus saying that his daughter had died and that there was no reason to trouble Jesus any longer. Jesus turned to Jairus and told him to believe and continued towards Jairus' house. Upon arrival there, He only permitted three of His disciples (Peter, James, and John) to join Him. As they entered, there was a great amount of weeping and wailing, and Jesus said to them that the little girl was only asleep and not dead. The mourners ridiculed Him as He announced that, but He continued into the room where the little girl lay with the three disciples that accompanied Him along with the girl's parents. Jesus took the girl's hand in His hand and said to her to arise. She arose immediately and walked, and those who had witnessed it were overcome with amazement.  He commanded them strictly to give the girl something to eat and that no one should know of it.

Now that I have recapped the story, this is what God spoke to me.  In times of turmoil, strife, despair, or grief all that we need to be made whole is JUST A TOUCH!!! The woman who TOUCHED Jesus' garment through an act of faith was made whole because she believed. Jairus left His home and sought out Jesus when He entered the the city and needed a TOUCH from Him.  If we want to TOUCH God, we much increase our faith, our belief that He can and will do all things, that He will do what He says in His Word.  We must TOUCH Him with our prayers that are made in faith and with a pure, honest, hopeful heart. We must believe that God can make a way out of no way for what seems unclear and impossible to us.  He does that when we TOUCH Him with our prayers, when we TOUCH Him with our faith, when we TOUCH Him with our belief, when we TOUCH Him with our humility! Just as sure as we TOUCH Him, He will TOUCH us back! It was His power that left Him and TOUCHed the woman and she was made well and healed! It was His TOUCH (physically and verbally) that raised Jarius' daughter.  So if whenever we encounter situations that seem too unfavorable for us, all we need to do is go to the Father for JUST A TOUCH!!! Be blessed!!!